Major environmental challenges imply a transition towards an economic and social model based on sustainable development. In this ever-changing context, public organizations need qualified professionals to guide them.
To answer this need, HEIP, experts in international relations and political science, and the University of Haute Alsace, experts in sustainable development and CSR, have created a professional bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Development & Transition Project Manager.
The objective?
Learn to integrate sustainable development at the heart of international relations, as well as public and private policies, through a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach.
You’ll learn about contemporary climate issues, international and political relations, economics, project management, law and institutions.
Two expert institutions
HEIP, expert in international relations and political science
With more than 125 years’ experience and teaching founded on excellence, the OMNES Education Group school aims to train enlightened citizens and accomplished future professionals.
A pioneer in international relations and political science, the school has made innovation its DNA, both in terms of teaching content and methodology.
UHA, expert in sustainable development and CSR
The University of Haute Alsace (UHA) is a higher education and research institution with over 10,000 students. Established in 1975 in Mulhouse and Colmar, the UHA includes 4 training and research units (UFR), two University Institutes of Technology (IUT) and 2 engineering schools. UHA offers a range of over 170 degrees.
The program is structured around 3 technical and operational skills:
Technical skills
Oratory and rhetoric
Writing speeches, essays and reasoning.
Manage transformations using new project management and Design Thinking methodologies.
Manage a project team, encourage teamwork and co-construction of public digital transformations.
To learn more about our Programme, feel free to download our documentation.
The Bachelor is divided into 5 areas of expertise:
- Acquire the basics of Project and Public Organization Management
- Understand and master the challenges of the Ecological Transition to carry out sustainable and responsible actions
- Develop Linguistic, Methodological and Analytical skills in International Relations
- Strengthening Professional skills
- Understanding the political and social stakes of Transition
Classes are built around 7 teaching units:
- 1 – Economics & Project Managament
- 2 – Law & Institution
- 3 – Contemporary issues and transformations of tomorrow’s world
- 4 – Communication & Transitions
- 5 – International Relations & transitions
- 6 – Personal Development & Professional Skills
- 7 – Political Issues
These infos give an overview of the courses. For a more complete list, feel free to download the documentation.
Job Opportunities
After completing their bachelor’s degree, students will be able to work in the social and solidarity economy (SSE), sustainable development, environmental and social transitions, territorial policies, etc.
Job opportunities include :
- Sustainable development project manager,
- Sustainable development project manager,
- Economic development officer,
- Territory development officer,
- etc.
You can also pursue further studies with our Master’s degree in Innovation and CSR Management.
Suitables Candidates
Post High-School (for admission in B1) or 2-year undergraduate students(for admission in B3) with a good general culture and a strong interest in subjects related to sustainable development, social responsibility and social, environmental and economic transitions.
Level Required
- Hold a high school diploma for admission in B1
- Hold a 2nd year undergraduate diploma/level in Social Sciences, Law or Economics for admission in B3.
Admission Process
- Submit an application file
- Oral admission test
The candidate will receive the results of the tests 4 weeks after presenting their application file to the jury.
Tuition Fees:
€9,000 per year of studies
(CVEC tax to be paid before the start of the school year following registration)
Application Fees:
€70 (for any year of studies you are applying to)
These fees are valid for the 2025/2026 academic year and are subject to annual review.
Recognition of the Program
This programme awards the following certificates and degrees:
From the University of Haute Alsace
- A State Degree in Social Sciences in “Sustainable Development and Transitions Project Management”
- A Level 6 Professional Certification “licence sciences sociales”, registered under RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) number 24464.
- A «Sustainable Development & Transition Project Manager» Certification from HEIP.
Each completed academic year also provides with 60 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System). This system facilitates a simpler and more transparent recognition of diplomas and qualifications between European Union countries, making each student’s academic journey more flexible and transparent. For more information about the ECTS system, feel free to consult the official page.
All our speakers are lecturers or experts in their field.
Courses are held in Paris.
Consult the informations on each of them on our dedicated page.
The HEIP admission process is accessible to people with physical disabilities since the competition is 100% online.
For people with invisible or mental disabilities, the admission teams may adapt the tests.
All HEIP campuses (Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and London) are accessible to people with reduced mobility.